It’s nice to see Run Club’s Boogie the Bridge training back this year. My husband and I are the finish line announcers, attempting to call out every name at the end of their race.
In some big races where participants are hoping to qualify for the Boston Marathon or want to achieve their personal best, they look for their pace bunny. A pace bunny is a very experienced runner who is in charge of leading people to finish in their desired time.
They will be standing in the starting area, usually with bunny ears and holding a big sign. Those wishing to finish a full marathon in under three hours need to find the bunny holding that sign and stand by the rapid rabbit.

The fastest runners in the world run a full marathon in just over two hours. Some people take four hours and others might take six hours. So, while everyone has different paces, they all share the same goal, which is to complete 42.2 kilometers and cross the finish line.
I have heard from some clients who say they may not be the best fit for someone because they appear to be going at different paces into the relationship. Two people may very well be a perfect match together and be connecting and feeling chemistry, but if one person does not want to sprint through the relationship and prefers a slower pace, the other person needs to decide if they are willing to slow their pace a bit, instead of rushing to the goal line.
I have seen this happen several times with couples. Imagine if they meet someone they really like, but after a few dates, that person starts making future plans and wants to become intimate sooner than expected. They are going at a faster pace than their partner would like.
I have met men and women like this. Sometimes they wish they would have been a bit more patient as they feel they missed out on someone with whom they really thought they had potential.
It can be really painful for a fast runner to go far slower than they are used to in a marathon. My husband, for example, has run marathons in under three hours, whereas I was a four-hour, 45-minute finisher.
My husband ran with me when I did my first marathon. He said he was far more sore from running so slow. (He sure knows how to make a woman feel good.)
It can also be hard for a slower runner like myself to run faster than I like. The same can be said for new relationships. Open, honest, transparent communication is vital. If each person explains where they are at and that they see a future with someone, maybe it’s possible for the faster runner to slow down a little bit and for the slower runner to sometimes be open to doing a fartlek once in a while. (Google fartlek for an explanation.)

A big rule in running is to never, ever start too fast. The longer the distance, the slower you should begin. The reason, of course, is to save energy needed for the end of the race. It may be a cliché, but slow and steady wins the race.
If you are happy and single and ready to go at your own pace, contact me by email at
I would love to see you at the finish line of Boogie the Bridge on April 24 — and at the finish line of your relationship when you fall in love, no matter how long they both take.