My Stepson is getting married next summer.  His Fiancé is from Finland and they have lived apart the majority of the 6 years they have been a couple.  They met in Denmark and knew they wanted to stay together, even though Sonja was going back to Finland, and Jean Luc was coming home to Canada.  There were many phone calls, facetime video chats, letters, and expensive trips back and forth. They did manage to have 1 whole year living together before they had to go back to their respective Countries.  

Watching how devoted and dedicated these two have been to make this relationship work is inspiring and admirable.  These kinds of unions can be tough and grueling and many don’t last.   The emotional roller coaster of being together and apart can weigh heavy on the heart and take its toll causing many to throw in the towel.  Jean Luc and Sonja are mature and the trust and faith in their love is what has kept them going and they know it will be worth it in the end.

These kinds of relationships can also be sad on their families too depending on where they decide to settle down and live permanently.  ( My daughter chose Australia which is sad for me, but knowing how happy she is is more important than me pouting about it)
For Jean Luc and Sonja their goal is to be together regardless if it is Finland or Canada, and as long as they are on the same page they will succeed.  All of this hard work will be worth it when they exchange their vows.  
I know not everyone would choose a relationship like this, and truth be told they themselves probably wouldn’t have either, but in the end, you can’t help who you fall in love with, and when you know you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you will make it work with compromise, trust, and patience.  

I met with a man who had retired at 60 and had many great qualities.  He loved cycling and I found the perfect match for him.  This lady lived in Vernon and also retired early and was an avid cyclist and they had so much in common.  When he found out she lived in Vernon he decided against meeting her as he didn’t want to commute.  I get it if someone has young kids and their spare time is dealing with extracurricular activities, and a busy life, but many co parenting situations are one week on and one week off giving some nice freedom for dating even if it’s meeting halfway for a coffee or walk to see if there’s potential.  

I have 5 women in Kelowna between 43 and 60 that are all incredible.  If there are any men who are fit, healthy, non smokers that wouldn’t mind a road trip let me know.  ( Also Summerland, Invermere, and Penticton) 
Relationships are hard work.  They are worth fighting for.  Much like training for a marathon that can be punishing and painful, you don’t want to give up because the ‘FINNISH LINE’ is right around the corner.  ( pun intended)  
I have signed up many new clients so I am doing some prospecting before I close at the end of the summer.  If you are curious if any of these men or women are a good match for you, contact me at   ( You won’t need to stand in line for a passport)